Movies have existed for well over a century. But in that time they have evolved and changed greatly. In this project, we are looking through various movie trends and what has changed over the years. We used various Python tools and libraries to give us more information about our data.
# basic imports
import requests
import tarfile
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# so things render correctly
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8');
# basic imports
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]= (12, 9)
We start by collecting some data from IMDB. We have two data sets that we want to use:
basic movie information (title.basics.tsv.gz)
Provides general information about our movies such as runtime, year, genre, etc.
ratings (title.ratings.tsv.gz)
Provide the average movie rating on a scale of 1 to 10 and number of votes per rating.
We request and download this data using the requests
library, then write it
to our directory using Python's built-in write function.
# downloading the data. These are datasets provided for non-commercial use
# url= '';
# url2= '';
# titledata= requests.get(url);
# ratingdata= requests.get(url2);
title_filename= 'title_data.tsv.gz';
ratings_filename= 'ratings.tsv.gz';
# write the files to our directory
# open(title_filename, 'wb').write(titledata.content);
# open(ratings_filename, 'wb').write(ratingdata.content);
# reading the data into panda dataframes
title_df= pd.read_csv(title_filename, sep="\t", compression="gzip",
dtype={'isAdult': str});
ratings_df= pd.read_csv(ratings_filename, sep="\t", compression="gzip");
print(title_df.head(5), ratings_df.head(5))
tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle \ 0 tt0000001 short Carmencita Carmencita 1 tt0000002 short Le clown et ses chiens Le clown et ses chiens 2 tt0000003 short Pauvre Pierrot Pauvre Pierrot 3 tt0000004 short Un bon bock Un bon bock 4 tt0000005 short Blacksmith Scene Blacksmith Scene isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres 0 0 1894 \N 1 Documentary,Short 1 0 1892 \N 5 Animation,Short 2 0 1892 \N 4 Animation,Comedy,Romance 3 0 1892 \N 12 Animation,Short 4 0 1893 \N 1 Comedy,Short tconst averageRating numVotes 0 tt0000001 5.7 1971 1 tt0000002 5.8 263 2 tt0000003 6.5 1817 3 tt0000004 5.6 178 4 tt0000005 6.2 2613
# reading basics and raties data into panda dataframes
title_df= pd.read_csv(title_filename, sep="\t",
dtype={'isAdult': str});
ratings_df= pd.read_csv(ratings_filename, sep="\t");
print(title_df.head(5), ratings_df.head(5))
tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle \ 0 tt0000001 short Carmencita Carmencita 1 tt0000002 short Le clown et ses chiens Le clown et ses chiens 2 tt0000003 short Pauvre Pierrot Pauvre Pierrot 3 tt0000004 short Un bon bock Un bon bock 4 tt0000005 short Blacksmith Scene Blacksmith Scene isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres 0 0 1894 \N 1 Documentary,Short 1 0 1892 \N 5 Animation,Short 2 0 1892 \N 4 Animation,Comedy,Romance 3 0 1892 \N 12 Animation,Short 4 0 1893 \N 1 Comedy,Short tconst averageRating numVotes 0 tt0000001 5.7 1971 1 tt0000002 5.8 263 2 tt0000003 6.5 1817 3 tt0000004 5.6 178 4 tt0000005 6.2 2613
We are also interested in movies' box office, or how much a movie makes over the course of their theatrical run. This will help us get a better idea of what factors affect the box office success of a movie.
Most box office data sets are private or paid, so we collect the data using data scraping. We employ a similar process to our data collection above except we iterate through 200 ranks at a time to scrape the data.
# Collect box office data
box_office_url= '';
box_office_url= box_office_url + '?offset=';
box_office_df= pd.DataFrame();
# iterate over each webpage 200 ranks at a time
for i in range(0, 1000, 200):
# append the offset to the url
box_req= requests.get(box_office_url + str(i));
soup= BeautifulSoup(box_req.content, 'html.parser');
# add the next 200 ranks to the current
box_office_df = pd.concat([box_office_df,
# Rename the 'Title' column to 'primaryTitle' to merge with the other dataframe
box_office_df.rename(columns={'Title': 'primaryTitle'},inplace=True)
Rank | primaryTitle | Worldwide Lifetime Gross | Domestic Lifetime Gross | Domestic % | Foreign Lifetime Gross | Foreign % | Year | |
0 | 1 | Avatar | $2,923,706,026 | $785,221,649 | 26.9% | $2,138,484,377 | 73.1% | 2009 |
1 | 2 | Avengers: Endgame | $2,799,439,100 | $858,373,000 | 30.7% | $1,941,066,100 | 69.3% | 2019 |
2 | 3 | Avatar: The Way of Water | $2,320,250,281 | $684,075,767 | 29.5% | $1,636,174,514 | 70.5% | 2022 |
3 | 4 | Titanic | $2,264,750,694 | $674,292,608 | 29.8% | $1,590,458,086 | 70.2% | 1997 |
4 | 5 | Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens | $2,071,310,218 | $936,662,225 | 45.2% | $1,134,647,993 | 54.8% | 2015 |
5 | 6 | Avengers: Infinity War | $2,052,415,039 | $678,815,482 | 33.1% | $1,373,599,557 | 66.9% | 2018 |
6 | 7 | Spider-Man: No Way Home | $1,922,598,800 | $814,866,759 | 42.4% | $1,107,732,041 | 57.6% | 2021 |
7 | 8 | Jurassic World | $1,671,537,444 | $653,406,625 | 39.1% | $1,018,130,819 | 60.9% | 2015 |
8 | 9 | The Lion King | $1,663,079,059 | $543,638,043 | 32.7% | $1,119,441,016 | 67.3% | 2019 |
9 | 10 | The Avengers | $1,520,538,536 | $623,357,910 | 41% | $897,180,626 | 59% | 2012 |
# Write data out to csv, so the results are reproducable
box_office_df.to_csv("./box_office.tsv", sep= "\t")
We have taken our data and put it into a dataframe. We used the pandas library to read it in. Pandas is an extremely powerful library. We use it above to read in a csv file (in this case a tsv file), but it can be used for many more sitautions. Refer to the API Reference page ( for full details.
Now we join our "basic movie information" and "ratings" data into one dataframe. This allows us to easily compare the data across both files. We are able to use inner join and use 'tconst'.
'tconst' is a unique identifier for each piece of media making it very easy for us to join the two tables. To learn more about joins visit
# Merge title and rating data, and remove unnecessary columns
df= pd.merge(left=title_df, right=ratings_df, on='tconst', how='inner');
# used in shows; not relevant in this analysis
df.drop(labels=['endYear'],axis=1, inplace=True);
tconst | titleType | primaryTitle | originalTitle | isAdult | startYear | runtimeMinutes | genres | averageRating | numVotes | |
0 | tt0000001 | short | Carmencita | Carmencita | 0 | 1894 | 1 | Documentary,Short | 5.7 | 1971 |
1 | tt0000002 | short | Le clown et ses chiens | Le clown et ses chiens | 0 | 1892 | 5 | Animation,Short | 5.8 | 263 |
2 | tt0000003 | short | Pauvre Pierrot | Pauvre Pierrot | 0 | 1892 | 4 | Animation,Comedy,Romance | 6.5 | 1817 |
3 | tt0000004 | short | Un bon bock | Un bon bock | 0 | 1892 | 12 | Animation,Short | 5.6 | 178 |
4 | tt0000005 | short | Blacksmith Scene | Blacksmith Scene | 0 | 1893 | 1 | Comedy,Short | 6.2 | 2613 |
We need to parse certain columns to integers
tconst object titleType object primaryTitle object originalTitle object isAdult object startYear object runtimeMinutes object genres object averageRating float64 numVotes int64 dtype: object
We are only interested in movies, but in our dataset there are many different forms of media.
We can safely drop all other forms of media (short films, shows, ...). We are analyzing these movies over time thus, so we can also drop any movies without a release date ('startYear'). Then, we need to convert the release dates from strings to integers in order to plot them later on.
# keep only movies
df= df[df['titleType'] == 'movie']
# drop movies without a release date
df= df[df['startYear'] != '\\N']
# convert release date from strings to integers
df['startYear']= df['startYear'].apply(int)
# convert to float type
to_number = lambda x: float(x) if x.isdigit() else np.nan
df['runtimeMinutes'] = df['runtimeMinutes'].apply(to_number)
# 1 if isAdult else, if it's any other value (0 or invalid)
function = lambda x: True if x == '1' else False
df['isAdult'] = df['isAdult'].apply(function)
tconst | titleType | primaryTitle | originalTitle | isAdult | startYear | runtimeMinutes | genres | averageRating | numVotes | |
8 | tt0000009 | movie | Miss Jerry | Miss Jerry | False | 1894 | 45.0 | Romance | 5.3 | 204 |
144 | tt0000147 | movie | The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight | The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight | False | 1897 | 100.0 | Documentary,News,Sport | 5.3 | 469 |
326 | tt0000502 | movie | Bohemios | Bohemios | False | 1905 | 100.0 | \N | 4.1 | 15 |
358 | tt0000574 | movie | The Story of the Kelly Gang | The Story of the Kelly Gang | False | 1906 | 70.0 | Action,Adventure,Biography | 6.0 | 826 |
366 | tt0000591 | movie | The Prodigal Son | L'enfant prodigue | False | 1907 | 90.0 | Drama | 4.4 | 20 |
Let's look at how many movies were produced every year. Then we can plot it as a histogram with each bin counting 5 years worth of data.
# count of movies for each year
years= df['startYear'];
# create bins of size 5 starting
bins= np.arange(start=df['startYear'].min(),stop=df['startYear'].max(),step=5);
plt.xlabel('Period (5 years)');
plt.ylabel('Amount of Movies');
plt.title(label='Number of Movies per 5 Years');
plt.hist(x= years, bins=bins);
Observe as time progressed more and more movies were created. From the late 1800s to the late 1910s the camera and filming technology was limited and expensive, making it difficult to produce movies. As film and storage technology progressed, the demand to watch those movies also grew causing more to be produced.
This graph also tells a sad story about film storage. Nitrate film, which was used in the Silent, Talkie and Golden era of film is highly flamable due to chemical reactions that release oxygen as it burns. Over 90% of all silent films have been lost, and 70% of early talkies.
Next, let's look at the runtimes of movies over the years.
# Drop null values and store runtime by year
by_year= df[df['runtimeMinutes'] != '\\N']
by_year = by_year.dropna(axis=0, subset='runtimeMinutes').groupby(by='startYear')
8 45.0 144 100.0 326 100.0 358 70.0 366 90.0 ... 619272 90.0 649109 52.0 734933 120.0 780545 45.0 867340 61.0 Name: runtimeMinutes, Length: 1159, dtype: float64
#Find average runtime of each year and plot it
avgs = by_year['runtimeMinutes'].mean();
plt.ylabel('runtime (minutes)');
plt.title('Average runtime by year');
plt.ylabel('runtime (minutes)');
plt.title('Median runtime by year');
The average and median runtimes of movies has a clear positive trend initially and flattened out to about 90 minutes. Similar to the quantity of movies, it could be that movies grew in length partially due to better technology until moviemakers decided 90 minutes is a good balance of time to both tell a complete story and keep the audience's attention.
Note that in the early 20th century, there were few movies being made per year so average runtime was much more sensitive to outliers. As more movies were produced, the runtime stabilized and followed a trend over the years.
Now let us take a look at the various genres of movies made over time.
#This block is looking at the frequency of genre over time
#The first step is to split a data cell of a movie with multiple genres into separate cells
genre = df['genres'].str.split(",", n=2, expand = True)
#Then we add in year into our new dataframe
genre.insert(3, "year", df['startYear'], True)
#We delete NaN and Null values
genre = genre[genre[0] != '\\N']
#We drop the secondary and tertiary genres as we are only looking at the primary genre
genre.drop([1, 2], axis=1)
#We then group the genre by year and put it in a data frame
genre_tot = genre[[0, 'year']].groupby('year')[0].value_counts().reset_index(name='count')
#Now we plot our data in a stacked bar graph
genre.groupby(['year', 0]).size().unstack(), figsize=(12, 9));
#We set 12 x ticks
plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=12);
#We label our graph
plt.title("Frequency of Genres by Year");
In this block, we separated the genres and found a count of them for each year. We then used that data to plot a stacked bar chart. The bar chart function allows a number of arguments allowing advanced pandas users to have great customizability. For more details specifically about stacked bar charts visit
Here we had to first clean up the genre cells. These cells oftentimes had multiple genres listed with a comma separating each genre. We separated the genres and looked at primary genres to keep all movies on an even playing field.
The graph shows how the quantity of movies has grown. One genre that peaked in the 21st century is comedies. Action movies also grew from the mid 20th century onwards. Dramas and documentaries followed a similar path growing over time as well. Musicals have stayed relatively stagnant as other genres have grown. This may be because the overall audience for musicals is still quite nitche, and the industry can only support so many musicals with good storytelling along with musical composition. As it has become a lot easier to write and produce small budget movies of other genres with new and better technology, writing a musical remains a tough task.
df.sort_values(by=['numVotes'], ascending=False).head(10)
tconst | titleType | primaryTitle | originalTitle | isAdult | startYear | runtimeMinutes | genres | averageRating | numVotes | |
82557 | tt0111161 | movie | The Shawshank Redemption | The Shawshank Redemption | False | 1994 | 142.0 | Drama | 9.3 | 2737560 |
250364 | tt0468569 | movie | The Dark Knight | The Dark Knight | False | 2008 | 152.0 | Action,Crime,Drama | 9.0 | 2710629 |
637745 | tt1375666 | movie | Inception | Inception | False | 2010 | 148.0 | Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi | 8.8 | 2406192 |
99043 | tt0137523 | movie | Fight Club | Fight Club | False | 1999 | 139.0 | Drama | 8.8 | 2179773 |
81462 | tt0109830 | movie | Forrest Gump | Forrest Gump | False | 1994 | 142.0 | Drama,Romance | 8.8 | 2130268 |
82340 | tt0110912 | movie | Pulp Fiction | Pulp Fiction | False | 1994 | 154.0 | Crime,Drama | 8.9 | 2103714 |
96895 | tt0133093 | movie | The Matrix | The Matrix | False | 1999 | 136.0 | Action,Sci-Fi | 8.7 | 1952760 |
90341 | tt0120737 | movie | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | False | 2001 | 178.0 | Action,Adventure,Drama | 8.8 | 1911387 |
46210 | tt0068646 | movie | The Godfather | The Godfather | False | 1972 | 175.0 | Crime,Drama | 9.2 | 1903690 |
395446 | tt0816692 | movie | Interstellar | Interstellar | False | 2014 | 169.0 | Adventure,Drama,Sci-Fi | 8.6 | 1901627 |
Are films getting better or worse as time goes by?
Average each year's rating, and graph
# convert the ratings to floats to make analysis easier
df_avg_rating= df.groupby(by= 'startYear')['averageRating'].mean();
df_avg_rating.plot.line(x= 'startingYear', y= 'averageRating',
xlabel= 'Year', ylabel= 'Average Rating',
title= 'Average Ratings by Year', color= 'red',
xticks= range(1894, 2023, 7), figsize= (12, 9));
We can see a trend that after the early years with very few films, the average rating stabilizes. Interestingly, between the mid-60s and early 2000s, there is a dip in the average rating of films. What is odd is the sudden spike in recent years. This could be explained by how few films came out during the pandemic , so critics were happy to have anything. It will be interesting to see where this trend goes over time now that the pandemic is mostly over.
However, this is a bit muddied, since many movies have few ratings. If we only take movies with >50 ratings (the Rotten Tomatoes criteria for rating listing and ranking), then we get different results.
# convert the ratings to floats to make analysis easier
df_avg_rating2= df[df['numVotes'] >= 50]
df_avg_rating2= df_avg_rating2.groupby(by= 'startYear')['averageRating'].mean();
df_avg_rating2.plot.line(x= 'startingYear', y= 'averageRating', figsize= (12, 9), xlabel= 'Year', ylabel= 'Average Rating', \
color= 'red', title= 'Average Ratings by Year (Rotten Tomatoes Critereon)', xticks= range(1885, 2023, 10));
By cutting films with fewer than 50 ratings, we can see that ratings after roughly 1929 appear to go down in quality. As some inital hypotheses, the Great Depression could have led to more, but lower quality films being produced, lowering the average. We cannot yet extrapolate that films are getting worse, because it could be that simply more films are being made. In this way the trend towards lower ratings could represent a democratization of filmmaking, at the cost of some SharkNados getting through.
Do critics have an appetite for mature themes?
df_avg_rating= df.groupby(by= 'startYear')['averageRating'].mean();
df_rated_x= df[df['isAdult'] == True].groupby(by= 'startYear')['averageRating'].mean();
df_rated_x.plot.line(x= 'startingYear', y= 'averageRating', figsize= (12, 9),
xlabel= 'Year', ylabel= 'Average Rating',
color= 'blue',
label= 'Rated X', title= 'Average Ratings by Year',
xticks= range(1894, 2023, 7));
df_avg_rating.plot.line(x= 'startingYear', y= 'averageRating',
figsize= (12, 9),
xlabel= 'Year', ylabel= 'Average Rating',
color= 'red', label= 'Overall',
title= 'Average Ratings by Year',
xticks= range(1894, 2023, 7));
This plot tells a story about censorship in the US. The gap between 1914 and 1964 represents the years where Hays Code were active, and thus Rated X movies and their themes were not allowed. Interestingly, Hays code came into effect 1934, so it may also be in part due to incomplete iMDB data. Incomplete data also tells a story about how over 90% of silent films and over 70% of films from both the silent to early talkie era have been lost.
As the 60s and 70s went on, X rated films reviewed better coinciding with the sexual liberation movement or sexual revolution. Additionally, crime movies with extreme violence gained prominence, spurred on by the commercially successful and critically acclaimed film, The Godfather (1972).
Let's look at how many movies were produced every year. Then we can plot it as a histogram with each bin counting 5 years worth of data.
# count of movies for each year
years = df['startYear']
# create bins of size 5 starting
bins = np.arange(start=df['startYear'].min(),stop=df['startYear'].max(),step=5)
plt.xlabel('period (5 years)');
plt.ylabel('Amount of Movies');
plt.title(label='Number of Movies per 5 Years');
Observe as time progressed more and more movies were created. From the late 1800s to the late 1910s the camera and filming technology was limited and expensive, making it difficult to produce movies. As film and storage technology progressed, the demand to watch those movies also grew causing more to be produced. This continued at a roughly constant upwards trend with film manufacturing techniques by Kodak and Fujifilm gradually bringing down the price of film. In the 2000s however, the digital revolution greatly reduced the price of filming due to reusable media and easier tools for editing films, adding effects and recording sound.
This graph also tells a sad story about film storage. Nitrate film, which was used in the Silent, Talkie and Golden era of film is highly flammable due to chemical reactions that release oxygen as it burns. Over 90% of all silent films have been lost, and 70% of early talkies.
Next, let's look at the runtimes of movies over the years.
by_year = df.dropna(axis=0,subset='runtimeMinutes').groupby(by='startYear')
avgs = by_year['runtimeMinutes'].mean();
plt.ylabel('runtime (minutes)');
plt.title('Average runtime by year');
How will the median runtime fair?
plt.ylabel('runtime (minutes)')
plt.title('Median runtime by year')
In the late 19th century and early 20th century, few movies were produced, so the graph is sensitive to outliers. The average and median run times of movies then have a clear positive trend in the early 20th century, coinciding with manufacturing film and camera manufacturing techniques improving. Then, as more movies were produced, the run time stabilized. Movie makers decided 90 minutes is a good balance of time to both tell a complete story and keep the audience's attention.
To see the ratings and genres of the top 1000 box office movies, we need to merge it with our original dataframe. By performing a 'right' merge we move all the rating, votes, and genres columns to the box office dataframe. Both dataframes share a title column that we can use to merge on.
# TODO move to step 2
# add the averageRatings numVotes, and genres to the box office dataframe
# df would be the 'left' set and box_office_df would be the 'right' set
interested_columns= ['primaryTitle', 'genres',
'averageRating', 'numVotes', 'runtimeMinutes'];
boxdf= df[interested_columns].merge(box_office_df,
how='right', on='primaryTitle')
# remove the duplicates of movies with the highest number of votes
boxdf= boxdf.sort_values('numVotes', ascending=False)
boxdf= boxdf.drop_duplicates('primaryTitle')
boxdf= boxdf.sort_values(by='Rank')
primaryTitle | genres | averageRating | numVotes | runtimeMinutes | Rank | Worldwide Lifetime Gross | Domestic Lifetime Gross | Domestic % | Foreign Lifetime Gross | Foreign % | Year | |
2 | Avatar | Action,Adventure,Fantasy | 7.9 | 1339903.0 | 162.0 | 1 | $2,923,706,026 | $785,221,649 | 26.9% | $2,138,484,377 | 73.1% | 2009 |
4 | Avengers: Endgame | Action,Adventure,Drama | 8.4 | 1174213.0 | 181.0 | 2 | $2,799,439,100 | $858,373,000 | 30.7% | $1,941,066,100 | 69.3% | 2019 |
5 | Avatar: The Way of Water | Action,Adventure,Fantasy | 7.7 | 375367.0 | 192.0 | 3 | $2,320,250,281 | $684,075,767 | 29.5% | $1,636,174,514 | 70.5% | 2022 |
8 | Titanic | Drama,Romance | 7.9 | 1216748.0 | 194.0 | 4 | $2,264,750,694 | $674,292,608 | 29.8% | $1,590,458,086 | 70.2% | 1997 |
12 | Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens | Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi | 7.8 | 945729.0 | 138.0 | 5 | $2,071,310,218 | $936,662,225 | 45.2% | $1,134,647,993 | 54.8% | 2015 |
We need to convert all the currencies to actual numbers for Python to process
# given a dollar amount ($123,456,789), this function removes the currecny symbol
# then, it parses the comma delimited number.
convert= lambda x: locale.atof(x.strip('$')) if x != '-' else np.nan
# apply this function to each of the revenue columns to convert them to floats
boxdf['Worldwide Lifetime Gross']= boxdf['Worldwide Lifetime Gross'].apply(convert)
boxdf['Domestic Lifetime Gross']= boxdf['Domestic Lifetime Gross'].apply(convert)
boxdf['Foreign Lifetime Gross']= boxdf['Foreign Lifetime Gross'].apply(convert)
primaryTitle | genres | averageRating | numVotes | runtimeMinutes | Rank | Worldwide Lifetime Gross | Domestic Lifetime Gross | Domestic % | Foreign Lifetime Gross | Foreign % | Year | |
2 | Avatar | Action,Adventure,Fantasy | 7.9 | 1339903.0 | 162.0 | 1 | 2.923706e+09 | 785221649.0 | 26.9% | 2.138484e+09 | 73.1% | 2009 |
4 | Avengers: Endgame | Action,Adventure,Drama | 8.4 | 1174213.0 | 181.0 | 2 | 2.799439e+09 | 858373000.0 | 30.7% | 1.941066e+09 | 69.3% | 2019 |
5 | Avatar: The Way of Water | Action,Adventure,Fantasy | 7.7 | 375367.0 | 192.0 | 3 | 2.320250e+09 | 684075767.0 | 29.5% | 1.636175e+09 | 70.5% | 2022 |
8 | Titanic | Drama,Romance | 7.9 | 1216748.0 | 194.0 | 4 | 2.264751e+09 | 674292608.0 | 29.8% | 1.590458e+09 | 70.2% | 1997 |
12 | Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens | Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi | 7.8 | 945729.0 | 138.0 | 5 | 2.071310e+09 | 936662225.0 | 45.2% | 1.134648e+09 | 54.8% | 2015 |
Now let's plot it. We can see the highest grossing movies (> 1.5 billion dollars) have pretty high ratings. However, there are still many movies with average or poor ratings that make lots of money. Just because a movie does well in the box office does not mean it will rate highly.
figure, (axis1, axis2)= plt.subplots(1,2)
# plot the top 1000 box office movies
axis1.set_xlabel('average rating')
axis1.set_ylabel('Worldwide Lifetime Gross')
axis1.set_title('Top 1000 Box Office Movies')
axis1.scatter(x=boxdf['averageRating'], y=boxdf['Worldwide Lifetime Gross'])
# plot all movies
axis2.set_xlabel('number of votes')
axis2.set_ylabel('average rating (out of 10)')
axis2.set_title('Top 1000 Box Office Movies')
axis2.scatter(x=boxdf['numVotes'], y=boxdf['Worldwide Lifetime Gross'])
How about runtime? Most of the high grossing movies are between 90 and 150 minutes.
figure, (axis1, axis2)= plt.subplots(1,2)
x= 'runtime (minutes)'
# plot the top 1000 box office movies
axis1.set_ylabel('Worldwide Lifetime Gross')
axis1.set_title('Top 1000 Box Office Movies')
axis1.scatter(boxdf['runtimeMinutes'], boxdf['Worldwide Lifetime Gross'])
# plot all movies
axis2.set_ylabel('amount of movies')
axis2.set_title('Runtime Distribution')
axis2.hist(boxdf['runtimeMinutes'], bins=15)
Let's first analyze the highest grossing movies that have at least one rating for the viewers
boxdf= boxdf.dropna(how='all',subset='numVotes')
# rename to remove spaces
boxdf= boxdf.rename(columns={'Worldwide Lifetime Gross': 'boxOffice'})
# take a subset of the movies with at least 15,0000 votes
thousand = df[df['numVotes'] > 15000].copy()
There appears to be a logarithmic relationship between the number of votes and average rating. Both the 1000 highest grossing movies and the entire dataset show this relationship.
figure, (axis1, axis2)= plt.subplots(1,2)
# plot the top 1000 box office movies
axis1.set_xlabel('number of votes')
axis1.set_ylabel('average rating (out of 10)')
axis1.set_title('Top 1000 Box Office Movies')
axis1.scatter(boxdf['numVotes'], boxdf['averageRating'])
# plot all movies
axis2.set_xlabel('number of votes')
axis2.set_ylabel('average rating (out of 10)')
axis2.set_title('All Movies (> 1000 Votes)')
axis2.scatter(thousand['numVotes'], thousand['averageRating'])
Let's test how a linear regression model will perform. We want to predict the average rating based on the number of votes. The LinearRegression and statsmodels libraries have many helpful and easy to use machine learning models for us to use.
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from statsmodels.formula import api as stats
We will be using ordinary least squares regression to fit the number of votes to the average rating.
lin_model= stats.ols(formula='averageRating ~ numVotes', data=thousand).fit()
We can now plot the results. It seems this model is inaccurate as the residuals are not normally distributed. If there was a true linear relationship between the number of votes and rating then the errors in our predictions (residuals) should be normally distributed.
votes= thousand['numVotes']
preds= lin_model.predict(votes)
figure, (axis1, axis2)= plt.subplots(1,2)
# plot the number of votes vs rating with the linear regression model
axis1.set_xlabel('number of votes')
axis1.set_ylabel('average rating (out of 10)')
axis1.scatter(x=votes, y=thousand['averageRating'])
axis1.plot(votes, lin_model.predict(votes))
# plot all movies
axis2.set_title('All Movies (> 1000 Votes)')
axis2.scatter(x=preds, y=lin_model.resid)
Let's take an exponential transformation of the average rating. As more movies are rated, it has a lesser impact on the average rating. We start to see diminshing return for the average rating as the number of votes increases.
thousand['logRating']= thousand['averageRating'].apply(np.exp);
exp_model= stats.ols(formula='logRating ~ numVotes',data=thousand).fit();
plt.title('Votes vs. Ratings for films with >15000 votes');
Although we cannot conclude much if we take votes vs ratings directly, if we limit ourselves to "popular" movies that have >15000 ratings, we see that popularity and critical acclaim do appear to be correlated. However, we cannot conclude any causation still, because in the real world votes and rating are not at all independent. If the highest rated movie tends to win awards, then this popularity will generate a boost in ticket sales and the amount of people who could write a rating.
Additionally, a lot of data is removed. We went from millions of data points to 91564, because there are only so many popular films.
log_preds= exp_model.predict(votes);
plt.scatter(preds, exp_model.resid);
Looking at the residual graph for the previous scatter plot, we still see a high variation among movies with fewer votes. This is could be solved by taking even rating count threshholds, but doing so would be less an analysis of popular films, but rather of the best films of all time.
The histogram is right-skewed, which means that many films tend to overperform better than the number of reviews would suggest.
From this analysis we get a good idea of trends in movie making over time, and the eras of film. From humble beginnings, film exploded in popularity in the 1920s, and with that popularity audiences clamored for longer experiences, with more technology. Morality also become a factor, with Hays code preventing X rated movies from being produced.
The film industry continued to gradually grow. The late 60s saw the end of Hays code, allowing for more adult themes such as crime and antiheroes.
Then, in the 2000s, the digital revolution democratized film making, allowing for an explosion of new films to be produced with cheaper and more workable digital technology. This trend continued until the Coronavirus pandemic led to fewer films being released, with those being released reviewing extremely well either due to an audience bored from staying inside all day, or creativity driven by the pandemic.
In general, more popular films tend to be better. In the future, it appears that 2023 will see the film industry recover to pre-pandemic levels, and all genres are growing their audience. It has never been a better time to be a film maker, and it will be interesting to see what will come out in the future.